Good Morning, Hula Girl! How Do I Know What’s Speaking to Me—My Heart or My Head?
Good morning, Hula Girl! 💖
Today’s question is one that so many of us struggle with:
"How do I know whether I’m listening to my heart or my head?"
We’ve all been there—faced with a big decision, unsure of which inner voice to trust. Our heart speaks with passion and emotion, while our head comes in with logic and reason. So, how do we tell them apart, and more importantly, how do we know which one to follow?
Understanding the Heart vs. the Head:
The Voice of the Heart: The heart often speaks with emotion and intuition. It’s the part of you that knows what feels right or wrong deep down, even when there’s no logical explanation. It’s your connection to your desires, dreams, and passions. But because it’s rooted in emotion, it can sometimes overlook practical concerns.
The Voice of the Head: Your head, on the other hand, is where logic, facts, and reasoning live. This voice wants to protect you from risks, ensure you’re making sound decisions, and it often weighs pros and cons before offering advice. However, the head can sometimes overthink and create doubt, even when the path seems clear.
So, How Do You Tell Which Is Speaking?
Listen to Your Body: When your heart is speaking, you’ll often feel it physically—an excitement or a sense of peace in your chest, a gut feeling that tells you something just feels right. When your head is in charge, you might notice more mental chatter, questions, and scenarios playing out in your mind.
Examine the Emotions and Thoughts: If your feelings are intense, whether it’s joy or fear, it’s likely your heart. If you find yourself listing out reasons, weighing options, and thinking about future outcomes, that’s your head trying to take the lead.
Reflect on Past Decisions: Think back to times when you followed your heart versus your head. How did those decisions turn out? Sometimes, reflecting on past experiences can give you clues about which voice to trust in the current moment.
Today’s Reflection:
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
(Proverbs 4:23)
This verse reminds us that the heart is a powerful guide, but it also needs to be protected and balanced with wisdom. Our heart holds our passions, but we must still navigate life with discernment.
How to Balance Both:
Take Time to Reflect: Don’t rush your decisions. Take time to sit with both the emotions of your heart and the logic of your head. Journaling can be helpful for processing both.
Pray or Meditate for Clarity: Ask for guidance. Whether through prayer, meditation, or quiet reflection, give yourself space to hear the quieter voice of intuition.
Check Alignment with Your Values: Does what your heart wants align with your values and long-term goals? Your head will help you assess whether the decision supports your overall vision for your life.
Test It Out: Take small steps toward the decision you’re feeling drawn to. Sometimes, taking action can reveal whether your heart or head was on the right path.
Let’s Talk About It:
How do you navigate the voices of your heart and head? Do you find yourself pulled between them? Share your stories and tips in the comments below, and let’s encourage each other to trust both our intuition and our wisdom.
Here’s to Making Decisions with Confidence and Balance!!!
Blessings & Love: Brittni Lea
Founder of Hula Girls Hideaway
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True Words Follow Your Hearts😍